Spring Clean Up
14th,16th & 17th April
We are again organising our Spring clean up to coincide with An Taisce’s National Spring Clean which is happening nationwide during the month of April. We will focus on Ramber hikes on Thursday 14th, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th.
Based on feedback from 2015, we have decided to simplify the logistics by asking members to bring a couple of litter bags (approx. 25 litre) with them from home and perhaps dispose of the litter in their green bins. From experience it is unlikely that any individual will collect a full bag on a hike so it shouldn’t be too onerous. In 2015, many members brought the litter home because they found it more convenient than dropping at the designated collection points.
Please support this initiative and help to preserve the beauty of the hills which give us so much enjoyment throughout the year.
See you on the hills!